Sunday, July 10, 2016

Family and Other Animals

Saturday brought a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park with Thomas and Polly. Here we see a somnolent tiger.

Kestrel and large polar bear:

Thomas's faves, the lemurs (must have been childhood exposure to Zooboomafoo). Here A mother carries her babies:

Refreshments (of course). Thomas no doubt checking to see if they have Calippos.

The next day (you can tell because of the change of hoodie) and a walk that inevitably ends in a pub. Here the girls try to teach Sophy and Thomas rummy. Thomas is rightly suspicious.

A spot of tea and Karl perks right up.

More walking. Karl displays his war wounds. Shouldn't be allowed on a bike if you ask me.
Yorkshire scenery provides the backdrop. Hope Thomas is soaking it in, as he's coming home soon!

And here's a shot of the whole family (minus Karl the photographer).
So that's Polly, Martha, Sophy, Sam, Peter and Jane and Thomas in the foreground. Thomas was never a fan of posed portraits...