Friday, April 3, 2015

Walking Along the Sea Wall

After deciding I had seen enough of the business district for one lifetime, I headed in the opposite direction to repeat the walk I took yesterday (4.8 km, according to a complimentary flyer I found in my hotel room) around the Bay Shore Pointe. The walk path, split in half for bicyclists and walkers/runners, follows the sea wall which allowed me to peek down onto various yachts (pronounced "YOCH-TH" by Frederick) and private clubs. I also saw this blob on one walkway heading to a fishing boat. I assumed, of course, that someone had drunk too much last night and vomited up an organ. Until I got closer and saw that it was a very large starfish. If the boat walkways weren't all locked (they are YACHTS, after all) I would have gone down to tossed it into the water in hopes of saving it. A few yards later on I saw this one. WTF? One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog was my surprise at how much stuff there is floating around in the ocean: logs, wooden crates and boxes, random pieces of wood, more logs, boxes, more logs... This guy picked the shabbiest, runtiest boat to sit on. I am assuming that either this yacht is being fumigated or is a meth lab. Ok, around the bend away from most of the private clubs (but not all as there are many more--rowing clubs, shooting clubs, yachting clubs, naval academies--I saw three separate ones--along with various other private clubs with non-informative names) you can see the bike/pedestrian path fairly clearly. More logs. A dried egg yolk mountain! Hmm. Not nearly as interesting. Very little actual grass here but lots of moss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clubs make it sound posh, but it doesn't look it.
