Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Frederick is famous!

Right in the middle of the last clay class, a woman from Grand Blanc Times (or whatever it is called) showed up to interview parents.  She asked Frederick to pick his favorite art piece and model it--a task he clearly enjoyed doing.  Here is the full write up of Frederick's clay class.  (If you click on the photo of Frederick you will get a larger version.  He is holding the blue and yellow spotted frog he made in a previous class.)

The writer took liberties when quoting me but she got the gist right.  (I remember saying that it is important for him to see the teacher work through the process with him so that he can fully understand the purpose of each step but I don't remember mentioning any of that existential angst she described.)  Emma, his class mate, is about as opposite of Frederick as a child can be: she is miniature and talks (though completely unintelligibly as her enunciation is very muddy) whereas Frederick rarely says ANYTHING, but when he does, it is enunciated with great care.  He can also get onto a stool by himself and manage to not fall off whereas she goes flying every single class.  (One day she regaled us with the story of how she fell into the toilet the night before and couldn't get out by herself--at least that is what her mom said she said.  I did make out the phrase "potty seat" but not much else.)  And, as mentioned in the article, Frederick is beside himself with excitement about the musical instruments course that is set to happen in June.

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