Monday, April 27, 2015

Thomas's penultimate Showcase

I can't remember when Thomas started being included in FIM's Showcase Concert. I do remember that his first chance to participate was when he was asked by his then percussion teacher Alyssa Smith to help fill out the percussion section for the Pirates of the Caribbean tune and he excitedly reported that he "got to drop the chain!" at the start. Now he is rather blase about it all---despite finding out minutes (!) before the start that he would not be playing bassoon as planned for the wind ensemble piece (the first tune here) but instead was moved to the marimba. He claims he was sight reading while performing and while I am sure that is a slight exaggeration he is noticeable more nervous for this (rather easy) number than he is for the later pieces, which he had the opportunity to practice (and perform) MANY times this past year.
This is the same toe-tapper that we uploaded last month though now Thomas is positioned at the side of the stage so you have the benefit of seeing his fancy hand movements.
According to Thomas he begged to play the cymbals as a welcome break from the stress of drumming.

Thomas is done with wind ensemble for the year. He has one more FYSO concert (in 2 days at Davison HS) and then next weekend (5/7-5/9) he will be on tour in Toronto. THEN he is done with the groups (though a parade of end of year recitals will follow....).


Unknown said...

Goodness - a packed timetable.


The Cushanderingsons said...

And we have to drive him everywhere...