Saturday, April 4, 2015


Today's lunch time destination: a house made entirely out of dumplings. Earlier at the acquarium there was a "petting zoo" sort of station set up. Various anemones, starfish (all pink or white, no purple ones like I saw on the boating docks yesterday) and urchins were in 3 or 4 inches of water. There were several small kids circled around, all trying to become brave enough to touch something in the water (but too scared--two boys both extending a pinky each just above the water, but too scared to stick their little fingers into the water). So, Benedicte and I offered ourselves up as brave examples. We both reached in for a green anenome and, obviously we both made contact at exactly the same time and we both shrieked and yanked our fingers out of the water at exactly the same time. (Those boys gave up for good at that point.) I can't explain how it felt but imagine something very, very soft, very, very sticky grabbing your finger and squeezing it very VERY hard. When we were eating our rice dumplings I bit into one and said, "That's what I thought the anenome would feel like." Just goes to show.