Monday, April 27, 2015


So: every so often Thomas demands to be driven to as many McDonalds as humanly possible.  This is not because he has a love of the smell of grease (although he did remark that he loved the smell of these places, which is a bit worrying for a lifelong vegetarian - although he also loved the smell of Family Video, so maybe he's just perverse) or a hankerin' for those inimitable chemical-drenched fries, but because Nintendo occasionally runs some kind of thing where if you go to a McDonalds and connect to their WiFi (I know - what an age we live in) you connect with somebody somewhere in the world (usually Austria, according to Thomas) who will let you access their Pokemon.  I know, I don't understand it either, but it's the only thing that gets Thomas out of his room these days.  Here I depict our odyssey.  We went to 4 on Friday night but only three of them got repeat business on Saturday, because the one with the creepy Ronald McDonald sitting on the bench outside (not pictured for your peace of mind) didn't seem to be in on the deal.  Yes, Thomas is almost 17.  I'm sure I shall cherish these memories when he moves out in a couple of years...

Thomas saw that I was taking pictures to document our adventures and insisted on taking the camera to get footage of the place he hides to log on.  Believe it or not he feels guilty about not buying anything.  I'm sure if I offered my money he would, but I draw the line at ferrying him around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pokemon has lasted a long time!
