Monday, April 27, 2015

Farm frolics

As mentioned above, Frederick's ceramics class ended last week and his ceramics teacher, Karyn, invited the kids out to her neighbor's sheep farm. Lambs were born two weeks ago.
The name of the farm is Ugly Dog's Farm (don't know why).  I also don't know why they have 15 peacocks which, apparently, spent all winter outdoors in a tree.
Frederick wants to know when the fun will begin.  (Actually, he is having fun.  He's just very sniffly from the sudden explosion of pollen that is everywhere.)
Three donkeys that were appropriately shy of small children.
HERE they are!  Millions and millions of lambs!
I have no idea who that woman is, but the guy is the owner of the farm, and he is holding one of a triplet of black and white which are, according to him, the friendliest of all the lambs.
A blur of little hands all reaching out to pet the lamb.
Aside from the lambs, this little shed was Frederick's favorite part of the trip. I think he'd like a little house of his very own in our backyard.
I can't believe these little guys are only two weeks old.
Here is a 360 degree view of the farm, though this is just the entrance.  The property is 10 acres and goes back quite some ways--we couldn't see the horses or the barn where he has his wool processing space.  Since many of the sheep are merinos, I very much want to go back and see how his wool spins up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks to have been a lovely trip despite the pollen.
