Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I love the smell of burning rubber in the morning...

I can't take credit for this picture - it's from this news story.  Frederick and I saw the huge plume of smoke when we were out driving around 6:30 last night and I tried to find its source, but it's tucked away in an industrial estate (just a few blocks from us, unfortunately).  I thought nothing of it, until I woke up with a sore throat and the house reeking of burnt rubber (we slept with the windows open, it being Spring and all).  Flint is now officially Springfield.

[P.S.: Everyone connected with UM-Flint was sent an email this morning announcing that all air intakes would be shut off as, breathing stale, recirculated air was deemed more healthy than breathing in the smoke from the still aflame garbage.  The location of the fire is the recyling facility about a mile from our house and, since there are no roads that go to it, firetrucks are working with train cars to take water to the site to douse the flames.  As of 11 am this morning, when I was running my errands, the flames were still visible from the nearest road.]