Monday, April 27, 2015

Frederick's Claycraft

For the past 11 months or so Frederick and I have been taking a ceramics class together. We did a wheel throwing class (translation: throwing pots on a pottery wheel; no wheels are thrown) last summer (which Frederick LOVED), then in Fall we worked on hand building animals and then Christmas stuff (ornaments featured a few months ago, the miniature Christmas tree has been packed away so I'll have to get a photo of that next year).  Here is a little "log cabin" that was part of our January "winter" theme.
Here is a butterfly (decorated with fused glass bits on the wings) that was part of the Spring time theme a few weeks ago.
This was supposed to be a Christmas bell (apparently in Spain people ring bells on Christmas Eve) but this ended up looking more like a Buddhist temple bell. Still, Frederick loves it and had it right next to him to ring while sitting at the dining room table and drawing.
This was made in January as part of an "ice fishing" theme.  Not sure why one would fish for bones, but it is a great wind chime--which Frederick won't allow us to hang outside as it is too precious.
Here is a bird and nest of eggs (spring time class).
Here is a rather sinister looking caterpillar.
Here is a turtle.  This was part of the "reptiles" class, early Fall.
A Gila Monster (also part of reptiles).
Horny Toad.  This guy was supposed to look fierce, but all of Frederick's creations end up looking rather cheerful.
Another reptile, this time an alligator.  (Frederick REALLY loved the reptile class.)
Here is a black bear (from the woodland creatures course).
Here are just a very small number of the bowls, pots and saucers that he has made (not the big blue one--that one is an old one of mine).  He has three more still at the FIM that I have to pick up.  On the last day of class he made a plate, soup bowl and another coffee mug.

Here is a frog, which was part of the spring time class.
The FIM closes up for May, but then there will be more kids classes in June and July: one course will feature making (wait for it)---musical instruments!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a lot of lovely work
