Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Second attempt at Sibelius

Well, it didn't work as one file. It didn't work as two files. It didn't even bloody work as three. So here, in FIVE glorious parts, is Thomas's (well, a few other people helped) performance of the Symphony No. 2 in D Major by Jean Sibelius. (Jami: be sure to note who is sitting three chairs in front of Thomas, for once NOT talking to the person behind her.)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part the last (if anyone knows a good way to condense MPEGs, I'm all ears):


Unknown said...

Hey! They're good. Couldn't quite see all that Thomas was up to though - lots of ducking and weaving involved.


Jami Anderson said...

I know he was responsible for playing the gong (actually called a tam tam) but the bass drum is new to me, and I went to all the rehearsals. Some kid must have not shown up and he got an additional part thrown at him.