Sunday, May 2, 2010

First Peek II

And here, looking out my hotel window the other way.
I didn't have much trouble navigating Paris airport despite knowing NO French, but this is ridiculous. I try to pronounce the street names to ask for directions, but I've not succeeded in getting one right yet. Check out the mosaicked cobble-stone sidewalks. Each major street has it's own pattern. I like the zig-zag on this street.
The guide books are right--food and drink are cheap. This .5 liter beer cost about $1, and a Rittersport cost about 35 cents. (They're almost $2 at Target at home!)
I was sitting at a nearby cafe, getting my bearings and drinking this Budweiser (the original Budweiser all the signs around town assure me) when in the park across the street from me about 2 dozen people dressed as trees (or something...) came prancing about.
This is a pretty typical downtown sight.

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