Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finally I Find the Hrad

My first sighting! This white building is just one of about 20 or so buildings within the "castle" walls. All the buildings are in use; a few are museums and touristy things (you can rent audio recordings of a complete history of the site and walk about the place-- I wish I had had the time but "they" recommend spending the entire day, exploring all the buildings, museums, gardens, vineyards, etc, never mind the restaurants and concert hall) but more importantly it houses the Prague Government, including the Parliament.

Here's another building. Check out the two posts; I wondered if they were ship masts in an earlier life. They are each about 5 feet thick at the base and go, beyond the picture frame, to an absolute, gold tipped point. As I walked past them I kept thinking about falling out of they sky onto one and sliding right down to the base--improbable, yes, but an unavoidable image.

These are just two of the many guards stationed about the place. The second I saw them I had to stifle laughter; I just think the idea of being a guard around a palace is funny. I couldn't help but think very Mr. Cheeky sorts of thoughts. I wanted to take their picture but didn't trust myself to get closer for fear of finding myself saying silly things.
This is out of order, but fits here: this is the start of the climb back down the hill to the conference hall where I was to be by 9:30. I had 14 minutes to do it and made it with exactly one minute to spare.

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