Sunday, May 2, 2010

First Peek at Prague

Here are all of my flight mates waiting for their luggage in Prague. If you want an entire aisle to yourself on a flight, be sure to vacation here.
Here is my hotel, Hotel William. After discovering that my reservation was arranged for me to arrive yesterday (I didn't make the reservation--let's just leave it at that) they gave my room to someone else. It took the receptionist about 30 minutes of frantic phone calling to set me up in a room that isn't supposed to have guests in it. Maybe it has ghosts? Allegedly several buildings in Prague do.
Here is the room. This picture makes it look much bigger than it actually is. And I think the mattress is actually a few towels wrapped in sheets on a board. Fortunately I am so tired, I don't think I really care.
The windows are nothing to write home about, yet here I am doing it. They are two sets of windows that both open inward, placed about 18 inches apart. I can't quite figure out the logic of it.
Here is the view one way.

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