Monday, May 3, 2010

At the top...

Here is that oval garden mentioned before, as seen from above. The climb up the tower was an ordeal. One of those ordeals that you know is going to be bad before you begin and, about 1/3 in you think, "Oh God, this is worse than I thought." and then about 1/2 way in you think, "Oh God, this is worse than I thought even conceivable." and about 3/4 in you think, "Surely this cannot go on." and by the time you get to the top you aren't capable of lamenting, only trying to not fall over onto someone. Everyone hears that Eastern Eurpean women are sassy, and I've seen some evidence of that so far. Behind me were two couples, one woman in one of the couples clearly did not want to climb up the tower. Her boyfriend kept chivvying her along with words that I couldn't understand but imagined being something like, "You can do it! Almost there!" When they got to the top, about 3 minutes after I did, he cheered and opened his arms to give her a big hug. She popped him one in the chest, lit up a cigarette and smoked moodily while overlooking the cityscape.
This is the Charles Bridge I mentioned yesterday. It's a lot bigger when you're on it.

More of the city. I am sure it would be even more spectacular is the sun was shining but it is forecast to rain all week. And, anyway, even if we get sun I'm not climbing up this again.

I think my hotel is down there somewhere.
Oh, I get it. This is why I was one among about 5 people on the trail up the hill but there were mobs of people at the top. Anyway, I made it and didn't need to ride a sissy funicular tram. And I've heard that paying for tickets for trams is even more confusing than buying a ticket to ride a lift to the top of a tower.
After climbing back down I was seriously wondering if I would make it back to my hotel room. Obviously I did, though my legs were shaking by the time I got to the bottom of the hotel steps. Christ almighty this town likes its steps! I made it back to my room and used my well-earned shampoo (shampon). It is EXTRA MENTHOL and now my scalp is so tingly it almost hurts. (Maybe it isn't shampoo after all...)

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