Monday, May 3, 2010

In Search of a Castle

After having accomplished all my tasks for the morning I was feeling bold and decided to seek out the castle in town. Everything in this neighborhood (my hotel, the palace the conference I am attending) is described as being "under the castle." If I am going to live here for almost a week, I should get a look at the damn thing. This wall looks promising, so I set out to follow a path that winds up into the woods up along this wall.
Hmm. This isn't cheering. I'm assuming the walk will be rough but this seems needlessly grim.
Ah, while I have the chance: here is one of those electric trams that this city is famous for: they are cheap, reliable and run very regularly. But I have also heard that buying a ticket is maddeningly confusing and, if you get it wrong, the undercover ticket agents who ride the trams will get'cha and pack you off to a formerly Soviet holding cell to shake you down for a big fine. So far I haven't risked it. (Thank Christ there is a McDonald's in 700 m.)
About 1/10 of the way up the hillside I saw this statue. Don't know who he is but he has a pen in his right hand. (According to the dates below he only lived 26 years--some romantic poet, I am guessing.)
This was about 2/13ths of the way up the climb. It didn't look that magical to me, I must say.
By now I was seriously wondering if I was going to ever see anything. There were a lot of green arrows and promises of restaurants, but so far no sign of a castle.

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