Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Duck Who Wouldn't Share

Since the notorious Night of the Possum, we have been locking up the small birds in our garage. That was one thing when each chick and duckling was the size of a small grapefruit but now the chicks are as big as small turkeys and the ducklings are almost full size ducks. (Never mind the smell they make each night.) It would be nice to toss all the ducks into the duck house, which is certainly MORE THAN BIG ENOUGH for them but, unfortunately, this guy (pictured below) begrudges sharing: he won't share his food, he won't share his pond, he won't share his yard, and I am certain he won't share his house.

So I slapped together this divide and attached it to the middle of the duck house. The idea is that we toss the ducklings on one half, Pretzel in the other, and then--quick!--slam the door shut. They will be able to see the other half, but not touch (so no butt biting, which is what Pretzel does when given half the chance to get within nipping range of the ducklings).  If any are alive to tell the tale tomorrow, then it was a success.
The plan is that eventually, all the ducks will be such great pals, that they can share the yard, the food bowls AND the house and then we can remove the divider.  Hope springs a turtle!

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