Tuesday, July 10, 2018

From Compost Heap to Hen House

Given the possum incident of a while ago, we need to get the chicks moved into their own digs. Building the coop last year was, though interesting, a long drawn out ordeal and I have spent the past week weeks trying to think of a way to simplify (and cheapen) the process. Meanwhile, I have been thinking about moving the compost heap container from the corner to a space closer to the house, and closer to the chickens. Then Simon said those fateful words, "Why do we even need a compost box now given that we have 17 birds who eat all our compost?" And CLICK it hit me: turn the compost box into Coop 2! Since it has three perfectly strong sides, all I would have to do is build a floor, front door and roof--one week's work at best!  So today I started by clearing out a space within the chicken run for the new home.  Puddlenuts stands at the new work site, wondering what to make of it.
Here are the compost walls, all as good as new.  (That is some seriously well preserved treated wood.)
That's the last of the tree stump, waiting to be chopped up and hauled away.
Pretzel checks out the new work site, wondering what's going to go there.  An even BIGGER duck house, perchance?  One with an indoor sitz bath?  No.  Not a chance.

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