Friday, July 20, 2018

Coop stage 4

Although the finish line is near, there is still a lot to do. And none of it particularly exciting. Once the major design decisions are made, the final bits are kind of tedious.  There is the tin roof.  I'll spare all photos of the slices I have on my legs and arms from the razor sharp edges.
Interior of the roost.  All these paints are left over from some other house project.  Inside I see: upstairs bathroom drawers, Frederick's dresser drawer knobs, Thomas's cloud room paint, Thomas's library room shelves (the ones that got hauled away to the end of the driveway a few months ago).  The roost bars are closet clothing rods.
Finished painting and added a nesting box (door frame painted with leftover paint from Thomas's library and the nesting box leftover from paint that WAS the color of Thomas's library).
See?  Green nesting box.

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