Sunday, July 22, 2018

Coop finished!

So today's task is attaching a summer door (without windows such as Coop 1 has, this coop needs ventilation in the hot times) that keeps the possums and raccoons out, and the chickens in.
I made it yesterday and it took about 24 hours for the paint to dry, since it's been raining non-stop since Friday.  Amazingly, it fit into the door frame despite the fact that I measured once and cut once.
Note nifty hinges, handle and lock all expertly attached to the door frame.
And, just to prove the nay-sayers wrong, here the door is open thereby showing that the door can both open AND close.
Only one thing left to do: the outside cedar shingles to keep the rain and snow out.  The chicks don't know yet that this is their new sleepy time home.  So the plan is to let them tumble into their usual giant black tub and, instead of carrying them to the garage to keep them locked up away from possums, we will grab them one at a time and toss them into the coop and then, quick as a wink, slam the door shut before they all flap out like terror crazed chick a doodles.

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