Saturday, January 20, 2024

New/Old Tape Player

We have a friend (former student) who has worked in a very high-end audio store in Chicago and for my birthday last year Jami got him to help her pick out a really excellent record player, amp and speakers. These have revitalized our record collection (along with the toy-looking yellow plastic record cleaner that is actually fantastically effective that I got for Xmas). But now that same friend has got into old tape players in a big way (he says he's on a "tapehead" mailing list, and just sold some gear to a fellow enthusiast in France (they're everywhere! They may even be in your neighborhood), so Jami was convinced that we needed one of those. And so last night he brought it over. Behold! The Pioneer CT-F950 in all its glory!

He even had a copy of the brochure: 

Made in 1979/80 when they really knew how to make things to last! Sophy was unimpressed when I excitedly announced this. "Have you heard of Spotify?" she said. Philistine!

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