Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Snow Day

I got up at 6:20 this morning to get ready to teach, fed Martha (because she waits for me on the stairs and runs to her bowl YELLING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS until you feed her), built a new fire on the still-glowing embers of the last one (our current fire is like the legendary Chinese soup that has been constantly bubbling for a hundred years) and then went down to the basement to pee and get the heater going so that when I showered, it would be bearable, and fortunately, I turned on the radio and heard that... Flint Schools were closed today! This made me check my email, and sure enough, I had a flurry of emails from students saying their particular school districts (I should explain that the high schoolers I teach on Mondays and Wednesdays are from about 4 different tiny school districts out in the middle of nowhere - Byron, Lakeville, Ortonville - I could be making them up for all you know) had closed schools and they would "struggle" to make it to UM Campus, so I happily canceled class and went back to bed. When I did finally get up, I was mystified as to how they came to that decision, because as you can see, this is small potatoes. Oh well, not looking a gift horse, etc.

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