Sunday, April 10, 2016

Thomas's last weekend in France--hanging with his host family in Lyon, gadding about with fellow HPQ percussionists

Near the end of the best days of Thomas's life, Thomas and his fellow percussionists (all in the Flint Youth Symphony Orchestra, three in the Honors Percussion Quartet), hit the town and end up acting rather silly.
Didn't we take a picture of Thomas doing exactly this on a nearly identical bouncy chair in Bury Meadow in Exeter when he was two years old? His feet didn't reach the ground then:

This must be Saturday night, before or after their last performance.
What's this--Thomas is smiling?!? I didn't know that was possible!
Here it is again! Signs of happiness on Thomas's face! (And who is that adorable miniature moppet who seems to have attached herself to Thomas?)
As we have pointed out so many, many times before, all good things must come to an end. By now, Thomas is fast asleep (hah!) so he is well rested before being woken up to be taken by his host family to the bus station at 4:15 am (!!!) to begin the grueling journey home. If all goes well, he will be arriving in the parking lot of the FIM tomorrow about 3:30 in the afternoon--to get ready for all day exams the next day at school...and then another 3 hour rehearsal to prepare for the concert to end all concerts, his senior year Showcase concert which is now only two weeks away.


Unknown said...

He certainly looks mellow, happy and VERY hairy.


The Cushanderingsons said...

He's now home. Apparently he asked that family to adopt him but they wouldn't. He looks on his actual family much as Homer does here: