Sunday, April 17, 2016

Scouting out AirBnB locations

So Granny and Peter will be visiting in the second week of May, and being the hip millennials they are, they're using AirBnB to find somewhere to stay.  There aren't that many places near us (people aren't, you'll be amazed to learn, flocking to Flint to get that tangy lead-tinted water) but this one is.  I thought I'd check it out to see if it was down a gang-infested alley crunchy underfoot with crack vials, and no, it isn't.  In fact, Frederick and I have walked within about 50 yards of it every time we've walked from home to my office.  It's within a professional-baseball-player-stone's throw from the Public Library and therefore also the Flint Institute of Music.  I pronounce it "shabby but safe".  I saw a Subaru parked in a nearby driveway, so this might be the Lesbian district of Flint.