Saturday, April 2, 2016

Second Communication From Thomas

Apparently "over night" doesn't mean what one thinks it would mean.  Rather than arrive tomorrow (a time slot "over" the night), it means "in 72 hours"--"over" several nights, in fact--AND they charge a small arm and a leg.  To add insult to injury, Thomas is going to be on the move so much in France (and bouncing from host house to host house), I'm not even sure where to send the damn pants and bow tie.  So, as I sat in the parking lot of Fed Ex, in a white out of Spring snow, I got an email from Thomas:

Well I asked around and found a pair of pants and bow tie I could borrow, but if you've already shipped them then I suppose I'll use my own.  Sorry to put you through the trouble....

My first thought of course was that Thomas had been kidnapped and someone else was using his phone to email me.  "Sorry to put you through the trouble"???!?!  All right, who is this really?  Then I started to think about the upsides to having Impostor Thomas (Thomas 2.0, as we now think of him).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds promising.
