Monday, April 25, 2016

Last Showcase EVER (sniff!)

Here Thomas is part of the Honors Percussion Quartet, as they accompany the Youth Chorus. A few seconds from the end of the song, a Whiting usher flashed a blinding white light at me and told me to shut off the video camera--taping being against The Whiting policy. Yes, that makes sense for professional concerts but how can that possibly apply to this event? And why was I targeted when every other parent and grandparent was taping THEIR kid?
Here he is, being announced and officially graduated. The entire percussion session gave Thomas enthusiastic applause.
Although I was too intimidated to tape Wind Ensemble or the orch (both pieces taped from earlier concerts), I did throw caution to the wind and tape this Star Wars collection, which I had attempted to tape before but my battery died half-way through.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

End of an era.
