Saturday, April 2, 2016

First communication from Thomas

I put Thomas on the bus yesterday morning (there were two buses at the FIM to contain all the kids headed off for their tour of Europe).  I worried about him a bit, but mainly enjoyed all the free time I suddenly had, not having to deal with the back and forth of taking him to school, feeding him, or listening to his 2 am drama when his printer runs out of yellow ink and therefore he can't print up his homework.  Then this morning I awoke to this email:
From:  Thomas
Subj:  Forgotten clothes????
Did I forget my concert pants and bowtie???

I checked his closet--yes, there are his concert pants.  I checked under his desk--yes, there, hidden in a heap of charger cords and candy wrappers, is his bow tie.

Given that Thomas has 2 or 3 concerts a day for the next 11 days (and, given that I have to special order his pants because he's 3 inches taller and 3 inches thinner than most humans) this is a bit of an issue.  So, rather than enjoy the quiet I am off to Fed Ex to look into over-nighting pants (which, now that I take a closer look at them, I see aren't even clean) and a crumpled bow tie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still a drama then?!
