Monday, April 25, 2016

More of Thomas with adorable French moppet/limpet

These appeared in my email inbox a few days ago. In both of them, you can see the small satellite that Thomas has acquired.

We were told that one of Thomas's most valued skill was his ability to tirelessly jump on their trampoline with their kids (the two little ones--the other tuxedoed young man is a fellow Michigander FYSO kid, Martin, who was staying with this host family along with Thomas--Thomas insists that he, Thomas, was more popular).

(Shortly after Thomas arrived back from France, he went "out for a drive", came back, muttered something about "the frame is the wrong size", and went out again. Naturally we were curious about the intended purpose for said frame. On his desk there now sits a felt-pen drawing of an American flag surrounded by pink and purple hearts and stars, proudly framed. I'm pretty sure I know who the artist was...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No attachment issues there.
