Thursday, July 3, 2014

So Cute Yet Way Too Much Trouble

Almost immediately after entering this world, these ears have caused nothing but trouble. When Frederick was young he was prone to horrific ear infections and, ultimately, we had to get two rounds of ear tubes surgically installed just so he could hear consonants. Then came the years of allergy shots and Singulair pills (now Claritin) to keep the ears, nose and throat operating adquately. Recently, I suppose because of the record levels of pollen in the air, these ears have been troublesome again--tickly and full of drainage. Their owner, who lives in dread of shots ("SHOTS!" he shouts when he suspects we are taking him within a mile of Dr. Beene's office)seems to have decided to take matters into his own hands. But, having no formal training whatsoever, things ended badly--not too surprisingly. This ear, the left, is pus-packed and has a ruptured ear drum (we discovered yesterday after an emergency trip to the doctor's office after blood started oozing from his ear). Worry not, The Naughty Ear Owner has been prescribed antibiotics and takes his chewable pills three times a day without too much fuss. And this one has "something white" wedged into it. The GP was unable to dislodge it so we have an appointment with an ENT, Dr. Mukkamala (who is the very physician/surgeon who inserted both sets of ear tubes so many years ago--you know, I really thought we had seen the last of him after the second set of tubes...) in a few weeks. Cotton? Paper? An Easter egg? A new form of life? Only time will tell. (Unless, that is, it falls out in the bath or pool in which case we will never know.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a life too full of incidents! This usually applies to old buffers like me!
