Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting Braver

Today, before it got TOO hot, Frederick and I headed out to the Davison skate park, our usual hang out for roller skating. We have gone four or five times before so far this year, and each time Frederick is more confident, enjoys it more, and wants to stay longer. Now he only holds my hand lightly, and even that he lets go of from time to time.Since the skate park is set up primarily for skateboarders, there are these specialty ramps set up to give the skaters something to twist and flop about on. Every time we go, I ask Frederick if he wants to give a ramp a whirl and he lets me know, emphatically, that he does not. Today, however, he decided that he DID want to give this green ramp a try.Here he is, flying across the slippery slope. We did this about five times, once each time we looped around the park. I am pretty sure that, barring unforeseen circumstances, he will be a fair roller skater by the time winter starts--and which point we will head indoors to skate to disco music at top volume and roller haven.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haven, heaven, hell?
