Monday, July 21, 2014

Putting Simon's new camera to the test

Yesterday was a hot and sweaty day (more on the way as temperatures are expected to rise culminating with massive thunderstorms on Wednesday) so we went to the pool in the rec center. We also brought along Simon's new camera to give it a test. All of these are of Frederick, since he enjoys having his picture taken.He was in fine form yesterday. Thursday we went to see Dr. Ears, Nose and Throat and he said that Frederick's right ear "was a very fine looking ear" and that the left ear (which is the one that was infected) had perfectly recovered.Just to show how great he is feeling, Frederick dived to the bottom repeatedly.He suddenly realizes he is being watched.These shots certainly make the pool look great.Today Simon and Frederick are headed to the lake for a swim. What will the camera reveal in the water there? We may find we wish we didn't know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures, lovely glee!
