Friday, July 4, 2014

Carnival II

For the first time in over a decade, Flint has hosted a carnival downtown. We presume this is part of the Flint revival. Frederick was over the moon when we suggested that we would go later in the afternoon when the sun wasn't so hot. Of course, Simon and Frederick headed to the Ferris wheel first.
While on the Ferris wheel, Frederick noticed this introductory roller coaster shaped like an alligator. So, that had to be next. It was a tight squeeze getting his long legs packed into the carriage, but we managed and he loved it. We should get one of these for the back yard. After the coaster we headed to the swinging swings. Here he is waiting for the ride to begin: This was also well received.

We have ride tickets still to use so I think we will be going back tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm exhausted just watching all this fun. You are awesome.
