Sunday, July 6, 2014

More Chute Treasure

Simon got a bee up his backside (metaphorically speaking, that is) and decided to settle the issue of whether or not the chute holds any more treasure. So, he got out the chimney sweep brush he bought years ago to clean out our chimney (and then discovered his fears of standing on icy/snowy roofs while the wind gusts) which has been sitting unused in our garage since. Out popped a stuffed bear, a stuffed alligator puppet, one of the Wild Things, a pack of wipes (that explains why we are always running out) and the source of the recent sturm and drang, a small red bit of rubbery latex that makes an excellent fidget (or so I am told). Also there were a random assortment of unmatched socks and a few really old (but not sea themed) underpants.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a crop! It was worth keeping that chimney brush after all.
