Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mary Cushing, 1915-2014

My Grandma died today. As you can gather, she was 99 years old. I hadn't seen her in a few years, and it didn't sound like the last few years were very good. But she was a wonderful grandma to me. She moved down from Yorkshire to Somerset when I was about 8 or so and lived in the village about a mile and a half away. She was there to go to after school, or when I or my sister was sick, and she always had the best homemade shortbread. The first picture is her with the love of her life, Horace, me, and my sister. Oh, and Mitzi. That one's probably still in Yorkshire. The next one is just her and Horace (who also lived into his nineties, but died, it must be 27 years ago, because there was 20 years between them) in Wellington, I believe, in the house they moved into in Horace's final years. Then we see four generations of Cushing, in the garden of her house in Tiverton, and finally her gleefully encouraging Thomas, her great-grandson, to bounce on her bed (same house, following year). She always encouraged me, and forgave me even after I asked her innocently (I was very little, I swear) why she had a mustache. (She told me later that she quietly went and had electrolysis - I felt awful.) Everyone should be lucky enough to have a Grandma like I had.

Monday, July 21, 2014

New Camera Goes To The Lake

The lens is where the lens wasn't on the old camera, so (as you can see) I tend to get my fingers in the way...

Breaking News: Thomas is Going to Disneyland!

And he didn't even win the Superbowl! I just got an email from Thomas's wind ensemble conductor (this is the group for which he plays bassoon--it's FYSO and HPQ that he plays percussion--pay attention!) which announced the details of their impending tour of Southern California in early April. Here are some details:
On Tuesday April 7, 2015 we will be heading to Anaheim/ Los Angeles, California for an amazing musical adventure. This 5 day trip will be packed full of performances, DisneyLand, and Hollywood! We will return to Michigan on April 11. THE TOUR INCLUDES: * Round trip air transportation * Round trip baggage fees for one checked piece of luggage * Local LA transportation provided aboard a first class, air-conditioned motor coach * First-class accommodations for four nights in the Anaheim area * Four breakfasts, two meal vouchers at Disneyland, and two dinners * Disneyland 2-Day 2-Park Pass * Santa Monica Pier / Santa Monica Place * Performance of the LA Philharmonic / Soundtrack Session: Instrumental Workshop * Disneyland / Disney California Adventures / Downtown Disneyland * Paramount Studio Tour / Hollywood & Highland Complex / Hollywood Behind the Scenes Walking Tour * Olvera Street Mexican Marketplace * Instrumental Rentals ($1000 allotted) * Private night-time hotel security
I asked Thomas about this whole adventure and he was very blase about it. He said he would only go if "the cool kids were going." I said, "If you go, then the cool kid IS going." Nonetheless, he said he had to check in with his "peeps". He'd let me know.

Getting Braver

Today, before it got TOO hot, Frederick and I headed out to the Davison skate park, our usual hang out for roller skating. We have gone four or five times before so far this year, and each time Frederick is more confident, enjoys it more, and wants to stay longer. Now he only holds my hand lightly, and even that he lets go of from time to time.Since the skate park is set up primarily for skateboarders, there are these specialty ramps set up to give the skaters something to twist and flop about on. Every time we go, I ask Frederick if he wants to give a ramp a whirl and he lets me know, emphatically, that he does not. Today, however, he decided that he DID want to give this green ramp a try.Here he is, flying across the slippery slope. We did this about five times, once each time we looped around the park. I am pretty sure that, barring unforeseen circumstances, he will be a fair roller skater by the time winter starts--and which point we will head indoors to skate to disco music at top volume and roller haven.

Putting Simon's new camera to the test

Yesterday was a hot and sweaty day (more on the way as temperatures are expected to rise culminating with massive thunderstorms on Wednesday) so we went to the pool in the rec center. We also brought along Simon's new camera to give it a test. All of these are of Frederick, since he enjoys having his picture taken.He was in fine form yesterday. Thursday we went to see Dr. Ears, Nose and Throat and he said that Frederick's right ear "was a very fine looking ear" and that the left ear (which is the one that was infected) had perfectly recovered.Just to show how great he is feeling, Frederick dived to the bottom repeatedly.He suddenly realizes he is being watched.These shots certainly make the pool look great.Today Simon and Frederick are headed to the lake for a swim. What will the camera reveal in the water there? We may find we wish we didn't know.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Martha is unimpressed with my new camera

Despite the fact that it WORKS UNDERWATER:

Birthday Loot!

Thank you one and all! (Items of clothing will be included in a separate photo - some have arrived, some not yet.)