Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Museum of Modern Art

Regular reader(s) will have read the two posts below and realize that this trip happened yesterday and that the thing below is Salzburg's fancy new museum of Modern Art. I think the outside is hideous, and I don't understand Austria's love for English phrases, but it gets better inside.

Thomas has probably forgotten, but many years ago, he and I recreated the following two pictures from an Art book (one of those little paperback ones we keep on the cistern) using Microsoft Paint. (I think it should be obvious why we selected those two rather than, say, Guernica.) Seeing them in the flesh (so to speak) therefore brought a big smile to my careworn face:

See what I mean about the inside being better? It's amazing what you can do with concrete.

I dunno about Art, but I know what I like. And the second one (by Richard Artschwager) is called Kartoffeln II - how could you not love that?

Even the toilets are cool and modernist: