Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Clever Camera

I was taking a series of pictures with the thought that I could somehow edit them into a panorama, and my camera did it for me! Somehow it recognized my intentions (apparently Kodak now has mind-reading technology) and I saw this message "merging pictures now" and this appeared:

Like a bad wig, you can see the join, but still, pretty impressive. (Click to enlarge, as you can do with any of the pictures.) However, I'm a bit alarmed by the implications. For one thing, it doesn't appear to have saved the originals separately, so if I didn't want them merged, I'd be out of luck. But it's never happened before or since, so perhaps it's the magic of Salzburg at work...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome. As you say - the join is a bit surreal - especially the half white car.