Monday, March 15, 2010

More sights of Salzburg

As it's extra grey and dreary today here in Salzburg (so much for the Sound of Music weather), you'll probably have to make do with pictures I took yesterday. They're mostly from the shopping part of the old town of Salzburg, after I finally found it (I have anti-pigeon syndrome). Here's one for the tots:

A big cake-y building of some sort:

More picturesque backstreets, with less picturesque shoppers:

This makes me think of The Cat Returns. Adventure lurks up one of these alleys (no fnarr fnarrs please).

Mozart even sells fruit and veg:

It's just so adorably quaint! How do you solve a problem like Maria?

The next two are opposite each other on the street just down from the hotel:

Talking of Austria's non-classical music heritage:

Less quaint - the explanation is in the following picture:

As I type this in "The Heart of Joy" (a nice Hari Krishna-esque veggie restaurant round the corner from the hotel, which, unlike the hotel, has free wi-fi) I see that it is sleeting steadily outside. Maybe today is a day for actually attending a couple of talks...


Unknown said...

Aha! You are not just a tourist.

Jami Anderson said...

I can't help but think that there were SLIGHTLY more than 250 opfern euthanized in Salzberg, especially considering it was standard policy in hospitals to euthanize ALL incurables during the 20s and
30s...Perhaps only an elite few are being bedenked.