Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Gray Sisters

The following was a homework assignment for Thomas, who has been studying the Greek myths.  He wrote it and typed it himself, I just cut and pasted it here.

The Gray Sisters

By: Thomas

Narrator: Perseus hears a thin cackling and sees three wrinkled, crouched figures. He swoops down to the earth near the hags and sees them arguing.

Perseus: Whoa, they only have one eye and one tooth for all three of them…

Gray Sister 1: Hey! You’ve had the eye for too long! It’s my turn!

Gray Sister 2: No, it’s my turn! You’ve had the tooth for forever!

Gray Sister 3: I’ll give up the eye if I get the tooth. Then you can see me smiling!

Gray Sister 2: But what will I have! I haven’t had the tooth or the eye since yesterday!

Gray Sister 1: Fine, you can have the eye if I keep the tooth.

Gray Sister 3: But I won’t have anything!

Gray Sister 2: You’ve had the eye! Give us a turn, you big hog!

Gray Sister 3: Fine, fine. But I better get the tooth soon because I’m starving!

Narrator: So the three strange sisters make the trade, but before they can put the eye in, Perseus swoops through their circle and steals the eye and the tooth.

Gray Sister 2: Hey, where’s my eye? You’ve kept it haven’t you!

Gray Sister 3: No, I don’t have it. You must have it!

Gray Sister 1: I couldn’t have stolen it. You must have dropped it! Hey, where’s my tooth?

Gray Sister 2: YOU DROPPED IT?!?!?!?! Now we’ll never see again! You FOOL!

Perseus: I have your eye and your tooth!

Gray Sister 1: A stranger!

Gray Sister 2: A thief!

Gray Sister 3: Give me the eye, so I can see him!

Gray Sister 2: Give me the tooth, so I can smile menacingly at him!

Gray Sister 1: He has the eye and tooth!

Gray Sister 2 & 3: Oh yes, he has the eye and tooth.

Perseus: I will return the eye and tooth in exchange for the location of the Nymphs of the West.

Gray Sister 3: Oh no, that is a Gorgon secret. We will not tell, for they will rip us apart if we do.

Gray Sister 1: No, we may not tell.

Perseus: If you do not tell, I will crush the eye and the tooth. You are immortal, so imagine living in darkness forever, not being able to see anything, not being able to eat solid food. Imagine these minutes stretching into hours, then days, then years. If you do not wish to live that life, tell me the secret.

Gray Sister 2: Oh please kind sir, give them back to us! You can keep the tooth. Just give us the eye!

Perseus: Only if you tell me the secret.

Gray Sister 3: Do you think we should tell him?

Gray Sisters 1 & 2: Yes, let’s tell him.

Narrator: So the three gray sisters tell Perseus all about the Nymphs of the West and Medusa in a cacophony of cackles, weeping, and sighing.

Gray Sister 1: Alright sir, we told you the secret. Now give me the eye.

Gray Sister 2: Hey! It was my turn! Give me the eye!

Gray Sister 3: They’re both going crazy. It’s my turn to have the eye and the tooth.

Narrator: Perseus hurls both eye and tooth in the middle of them and continues his adventure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some parents might sympathise with Perseus! I particularly like "cacophony".
