Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sea World, No Longer Educational

Day 2: Let's just say that Sea World is not what it was when I went almost thirty years ago. Gone are the aquariums and marine biologists explaining everything there is to know about creatures of the deep. Instead we have endless reminders to "support our heroes" [soldiers] and that ALL OF THIS was brought to you by Anhauser-Busch...Most of the propaganda was lost on Thomas and he claims he enjoyed the dolphin and killer whale acrobatics.


Unknown said...

Sometimes it must be a strain being American. I can only say this confidently because sometimes it's a strain being British.


Jami Anderson said...

Another September 11th has come and gone. Now people celebrate (?) the day by putting giant (about 15 feet tall), inflatable Statues of Liberty on their front lawns.

Unknown said...

We don't really have patriotism in the way you do - just drunken racists. The misguided (or minimally informed) patriotism is frightening. The drunken racists are dangerous. They could seriously injure you, rather than just offend you.

I fear 9/11 is always going to be big. It killed so many people - on air. There was a TV programme over here recently - which I couldn't watch - called The Falling Man. That's an unforgettable image.

God knows (if there is one) why people are erecting Statues of Liberty. Probably similar to whatever it is that enables assorted Pakistanis and Iraquis to blow themselves up.

I'm a believer in the microcosm and the macrocosm (too much exposure to Elizabethan literature at an impressionable age).

Dear me - a rant entered. I'll stop now!!
