Sunday, September 16, 2007

Simon's Trip to Oxford

First set of visitors view my palatial abode in Mansfield College. They deem it "very cozy."
Father enjoying a poppadom. No, really.
Margaret still refraining from judgement of the poppadoms.
Rob, in his natural habitat. The pub. Outside, preferably, so he can make one of his disgusting rollups, England now being "smoke free" inside.
Frank, in the Kings Arms, which he says is the "Philosophers' Pub". Sure enough, I saw him in it again later, and he's a Philosopher, so there you are.
Anabel in her BEAUTIFULLY remodeled (apart from that busted drawer) kitchen, in ritzy (although she swears it isn't - that's why ex-fashion models are among the fellow parents at the local playgroup) Pimlico. Happy, because all three kids are in bed.

The gimlet-eyed readers might have noted the lack of conference-photos in this spread. Well, it was a top-secret conference, see? So cameras weren't allowed. Doesn't mean I wasn't an ACTIVE participant.


Unknown said...

You have managed to disguise the true reason for your trip admirably!

The selection of photographs suggests that some of your friends and family have serious pesonality problems.


The Cushanderingsons said...

Hey, the camera never lies...

Unknown said...

Well - sometimes it does - but maybe not in this case.
