Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back at the hotel

If you look closely at the top picture you can see Thomas running at top speed into the pool. After walking a thousand miles around the zoo in 95 degree weather, we needed to cool down. Then, of course, we needed to warm up a bit so here is Thomas enjoying the hot tub. We switched back and forth for several hours and then flopped on the beds and watched several hours and Sponge Bob Square Pants. (Thomas now says his favorite part of the whole trip was watching tv with me in the hotel in the evenings.)


Unknown said...

Total sybaritic luxury - but the, boy, hadn't you both earned it.

Should I know about the sponge bob square pants character? Sounds decidedly odd.


Jami Anderson said...

Sponge Bob has been around for quite some time. The persons to ask are Louie and Joe as they are exactly the right age for it. Sponge Bob is, as his name suggests, a sponge. Only instead of looking like a living sponge he is bright yellow and square, like the sponges you can buy here to clean your sinks. The show is about his adventures under the sea and are surprisingly funny.

Unknown said...

I knew you would know this - if anything on account of magic moments in San Diego.

I own up. I have heard of Sponge Bob. I've also heard of The Simpsons. That's how bad it is. I would not know the difference - and Lois and Joe live too far away (as does Thomas) to educate me.

Meanwhile - faced with a pool and a hot tub, a sponge seems a good thing to be.
