Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 1: San Diego Zoo

Round-trip flights from Detroit to San Diego were too inexpensive to pass up, so Thomas and I headed there for three days to enjoy the last days of summer. The agenda was simple: animals during the day, swimming in the late afternoons and tv into the night. We decided to spend the first animal day at the San Diego zoo.

When we first arrived at the zoo (just seconds after it opened), we were bursting with energy and excitement. The zoo is stunning. In these top pictures, you can just about make out the three levels--ground or water level, up about 20 feet and then at the tree tops--you can walk on to give you views of the animals. Thomas brought along his birthday present telescope so that he could see everything up close and personal. The hippos put on a good show which, apparently is rare as he is rather reclusive. The panda wisely takes a nap as the day heats up.


Unknown said...

Looks brilliant. I'm identifying with the panda!


Jami Anderson said...

More than one person watching the hippo bob elegantly about in the water said they were seriously considering leaping into the water to join him.

Unknown said...

They clearly weren't living through this summer in the UK. Adequate water was not a problem. Heat was not a problem.

Hey hippos - wish I was there...
