Sunday, September 23, 2007

Frederick Living the Good Life

Here Frederick is enjoying a relaxing evening stroll through ForMar. Frederick's life is pretty good these days. His speech therapist is doing wonders--he proudly (and loudly) said word phrases such as "big purple shoes" two lessons ago and polysyllabic words such as "pelican" and "octopus" this past week. Music therapy continues to go well, too. This past week Frederick and Mr. Mike took turns singing the words to a fish song (lots of gulping involved) and then jammed for about 20 minutes on bongos. And about a month ago we finally found a great OT to work with him. (We had to fire his previous OT and when I say "we" I mean "Simon." All Frederick did during the sessions was sob uncontrollably while she sighed and said, "He doesn't like me." I just don't think that was $75 an hour well spent.) During the most recent OT session Frederick worked on his fine motor skills, which are already pretty good, by playing with Tinker Toys. The plan is to work up to large muscle skills while biking and climbing and then (gasp!) riding horses! (Which, in the OT world, is called "hippotherapy." I was really excited by the thought of Frederick riding hippos but apparently that isn't going to happen.) As for school, well, let's just say that Frederick has decided that the fourth school we have enrolled him in, just like the other three, wasn't a good "fit." A year ago he was going to school 5 days a week, by April it was down to 2 days a week, in July he was going 1 day a we don't even bother packing his backpack and Frederick is LOVING IT!! His days are his own, he is content and progressing at an astonishing rate. The only problem is that having him at home every day may just kill us.


Unknown said...

Wonderful to have good news on
Frederick. It does sound as if he is having a lovely time. Are you allowed to take pictures of him in his OT sessions?

I hope you survive the home schooling. That's a tough one.


Unknown said...

So? We've been away for two weeks ..... and...
