Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The day gets hotter and hotter and...

I don't know how hot it got by mid-afternoon. Here Thomas and I are refreshing ourselves with giant drinks. [Look how empty the place is--this was at noon! It was weird.] Thomas insisted that we both try the Footsie Wootsies. For only a quarter, the machine jiggled our feet for a minute or so to discourage numbness. It actually worked for about ten minutes--which was just about when we would reach the next Footsie Wootsie. The last picture is of Thomas before an albino python. Just as we were stumbling toward the zoo exit, I asked Thomas if there was any animal that we didn't photograph but that he wished we had. He said that there was, this python. Fortunately the reptile house was about ten feet from where we were standing so I could just manage to get over there to get this last picture.


Unknown said...

At first glance the Footsie Wootsies looked like some sort of automatic shoe- cleaning set-up, - with sandals??!!?


Jami Anderson said...

The Footsie Wootsie was a giant vibrating pad. I wasn't wearing sandals so I couldn't see what was happening to my feet when I used it, but Thomas's toes were a rubbery blur when he used it. It was not an entirely pleasant experience, but walking wasn't cripplingly painful afterwards so it must have done something right.

Unknown said...

Surreal. You must have done something right!


Mom said...

I check your blog once a week and enjoy it. How about posting the photo of Thomas whipping John at chess?

Mom said...

How about posting the pic of Thomas whipping John in chess

Mom said...

how about posting the photo of Thomas whipping John in chess