Friday, June 17, 2016

Weird power outage

On Tuesday, our power went out.  Our first assumption was that it was the usual thing of the power in our block going down (often because a falling branch takes out a power line).  But no, it turned out that it was only us.  And it seemed like all the trip switches were fine.  So...?  I called the power company and reported it and they confirmed that it was just us.  This made us pessimistic about the chances of anyone coming out soon, but within the hour someone showed up.  Here he is, teetering on a ladder on our balcony.  He was very nice - Andy was his name - and he admitted that he didn't like electricity or heights, but did like the money.  It turned out that the ugly lumpy duct-taped connections right at the top of our house had finally corroded, so he had to balance on a ladder, strip them down and re-wire them.  Rather him than me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So Flnt is not lost from civilisation. Something worked. Be joyful. xM