Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thomas's Senior Recital

Here it is, the really and truly final performance of Thomas at the FIM as a student.  (I'm being cautious because it isn't very uncommon for graduated students to be invited back to perform a solo part or some such thing as a part of a production.  So it's not impossible that Thomas will perform with an ensemble at the FIM at some future date.  But that's not the same, is it?)  He picked his pieces, the first is the marimba piece we saw as part of the percussion student recital, Two Mexican Dances 1. Allegro, by Gordon Stout.
This next set is made up of three sections of the Concerto for Vibraphone by Ney Rosauro.  As Thomas is explaining in this first little video, he performed the first part (1.  Recitativo -- Allegro) when he competed for the concerto competition a while ago.  (He says two years ago but can that be possible?  I remember it like it was a few months ago.)  I wasn't allowed to video tape that (they have weird rules for that thing) so I am glad he performed it again.
Here it is, Ricitativo --Allegro:
Here is part 2, Acalanto:
And here is part 3 Vivo -- Presto:
Afterwards there was a nice reception--for a few minutes only as Rob had to bustle them back onto the stage to practice more for Jon's senior recital which is next week (he's the kid in the red shirt) in the back, playing chimes.  According to the kids, they only had two chances to practice this piece together, and they only got the music about a week before the performance.  So, isn't that amazing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gosh! He's good!
