Monday, November 16, 2015

Thomas is going to college!

Well, I would think so.  But today possibilities are becoming reality.  Thomas came downstairs clutching his phone (kids these days!) and informed us that (a) the University of Chicago sent an email to let him know that his application was incomplete (much panic in the room, especially on my part but it turns out his ACT scores had not been processed yet--nothing we can do, it's just a test report his school has to push through the application process) and (b) "Oh, yeah, I heard from University of Illinois at Chicago a few days ago and they said I got in.  I think, but I'm not sure since I was too scared to read the email."  After another round of panicked mayhem I finally read the email (Thomas didn't want me to see who else had been sending his email and then, in a flurry of efforts to conceal his secret emails he "lost" the email from UIC)  and, yes, he got an acceptance letter (!) followed by a round of emails full of financial aid applications, housing applications, application forms for more applications...Thomas has sent off 4 applications (and is sitting on two more--one for King's College ("just in case" but just in case what, Thomas won't tell)--because he can't be bothered to finish them off) so it's too early yet to know where he will end up.  But, at least I can sleep easy tonight knowing that he won't be bumming off us next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is on his way. Scarey.
