Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Hallowe'en

I can't believe how much a pumpkin can be made to look like Cookie Monster. (Emily got the idea from Pinterest, she informed us. And Cookie Monster used to have complete eyeballs and a mouthful of Gluten-Free cookies, but you know, squirrels. Elmo was NOT on Pinterest, but Frederick insisted that there was no way they were going to stop the Sesame Street theme without doing Elmo. I'm sure Ava backed him up on that score, as Elmo is very dear to her heart too.) And I can't believe how excited Frederick was about Halloween this year. Every September I ask a kid (now that Thomas is 17, it's only Frederick) what he wants to be for Halloween. In years past, Frederick's answers waffled about and so, eventually, I had to make an executive decision (costumes don't make themselves, you know) and pick the most plausible/reasonable costume candidate. The great thing about Frederick is that he is always very happy with the results (unlike a certain other child who will remain unnamed) so long as I follow certain VERY FIRM RULES: (1) nothing on the face (2) walking and all movements must be easy and comfortable (3) nothing itchy, scratchy, or poky touching any part of the body at any time or in any position (4) all bodily functions (eating, bathrooming, drinking, breathing) must be easy and require NO assistance. These rules were in place this year but the change was that Frederick insisted that he wanted to be a "Purple Pluto Planet Monster" from about early September, and that conviction did not change. Not once.Besides being purple, I really didn't have a clear idea of what that would entail but he insisted that it was "smooth with spots" and there could be no horns or spikes. He had the all day party at school with Emily (Ava was Minnie Mouse and Emily was Daisy Duck) and was thrilled with being the Pluto Monster. (When I bought the fabric at Joanne's the woman who was cutting the fabric asked, "So what are you making?" I knew she would have trouble comprehending Frederick's ideas so I just said, "A costume." Obviously she regarded herself as a bit of a People Person as she persisted, "A costume!? Of what?" So I told her. She wrinkled up her nose in discomfort (as if thinking about the idea produced a bad smell) and said, "Purple Pluto....a what? Is that a thing?" I said, "Yes. That's right. It's 'a thing'." Sheesh. Other people.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just keep on living with the dream. Frederick can and, clearly, so can you.
