Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Warehouse/Arts District

So, this morning I did the French Quarter, so, having charged up my camera back at the hotel, I was ready to try something different. Specifically, the Warehouse/Arts district, as seen on my map HERE:
I leave the hotel and instead of turning right, I turn left.  In a block or two I am in Lafayette Park:
See - here I am, clearly having a whale of a time:
And here he is.
Some churchy thing.
The road in this part of town looks like the sidewalk.

Lots of very picturesque housing, or old warehouses rapidly being converted into fancy apartments
in all kinds of pastel:
Lots of museums

This is Lee Circle (look closely at the map at the start of this post, in the top left corner of the district):

A nice shaggy palm.  Might even be native, unlike all the ones in Los Angeles.  (Actually, NO felt a lot like LA today, at least the old downtown part of LA.)

This was a museum that had some flight-themed display.  Here's how it arrived, presumably.
These are kid-sized doors for the Children's Museum. 
...which has these nice door handles, but
was the scene of a slight embarrassment for Simon...  I wandered around taking photos, capturing a French father chasing after a loose toddler
and a cardboard horse, when a nice young man came up and asked politely if I was actually visiting the museum.  Seeing as I'd more or less seen the whole thing, I said yes, and he said perhaps I'd like to "check in" and pointed over to the desk where you pay your $10 entrance fee that I'd somehow managed to miss.  "Of course," I said, and started towards it
...only to take a sharp left and sprint out the door yelling "YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!!!!"  Well, not quite, but I did quietly exit.  Ten bucks indeed.  Meanwhile, on the street, here's a building frontage without a building. 

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