Thursday, November 5, 2015

The French Quarter, again

Well, I'd done the Warehouse district and still the afternoon stretched in front of me, so I decided to go to the far side of the French Quarter and zigzag back, now I knew my camera was all set (and the clouds had burned off). Just a reminder, the French Quarter is HERE:
Apparently these are featured in A Confederacy of Dunces.  Maybe I'll try to finish it to confirm that.

This being America, the seated woman is demurely clothed.
A bridge over the Mississippi.  Also nice clouds.  I like clouds.

The station for the local light rail.
A statue of the Maid of the Original Orleans, a gift from the ENTIRE NATION of France to the city of New Orleans.  Isn't that nice?

I'm noticing a lot of Dr. Seuss themes around.  He must've been from here or something.  Clearly this is for the Duggars.
Verti Marte is a tiny little corner store that is famed for selling the best sandwiches in the French Quarter.  So I had to try one.  Pretty good, even if made by people with no teeth.

Voodoo and Occult bullshit abounds.  As do crusties with dogs on strings, unfortunately.  Haven't seen those since England.

I don't think those really ARE James Brown's legs, but you never know.
Houses large
and small.
But always quaint.

And so we wend our weary way back across Canal St. to the Hotel.  I have a massive blister (those flip flop sandals, combined with super-sweaty weather) and the Conference kicks into gear starting tonight, so that's probably the last of my 'sploring. It was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've been in another world. The floods have gone? Everything is fine?
