Friday, November 27, 2015

Out with the old, in with the new

On all days when we don't have to drive Thomas to school at ungodly hours (i.e., 6 AM), we are finally coerced out of bed by Frederick thundering downstairs. Yesterday it was me who gave in first and followed him downstairs to make him his usual toast-based breakfast - only to find that his toaster (i.e., the one assigned to Gluten Free bread) was broken. Well then, I thought (after trying for about ten minutes of futility to get the plunger thing to stay down), I'll just use the other (glutenous) one, just this once. Good thing we've got two, eh? Well no, because IT HAD BROKEN IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY. What is this, a toaster curse? So anyway, Jami braved the Black Friday crowds and came back with a two-for-one deal.
At the same time she picked up a replacement for the bin we found at Goodwill about 15 years ago and that has never worked properly.

Now I feel bad:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes - that old bin does look sad. Enjoy your toasters.
